Of all the extremist liberal groups out there, the anti-war crowd pisses me off the most. They are always blaming America, and accusing our soldiers of war crimes, of making the Iraqis lives miserable. Nevermind that the Iraqi people can speak their minds and hold demonstrations now, that they would have been shot for doing when Saddam was in power. Nevermind that Iraqi children can get an unrestricted education now, that hospitals are better than they were before Saddam. Nevermind that our troops are coming back with more good news than bad news. These denialist liberals, inside and outside of the news media, blatantly ignore the facts to suit their agenda to embarrass Bush. That's the end-all for them, to embarrass Bush and make him a sitting duck. Forget the best interest of the country. But I digress. To them, America is the enemy. Radical Muslims strapping themselves with bombs are just victims of American imperialism. We are in serious trouble should they win the White House in '08.
"Once abolish the God, and the government becomes the God." - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
I thoroughly agree. During the last election cycle, John Kerry (a veteran, mind you) tried to make the claim that our nation's veterans are war criminals. What type of double speak is that? As a former serviceman of the United States Navy, I don't believe that I am a war criminal. Sometimes the jihad comes from those who should be our neighbor.
It's not the Zionists who marginalize these national syndicalists, social nationalists (national socialists) or falangists (neo-fascists) they do it themselves with their hatred of Jews and Capitalists. They had their time in history and they screwed it up. National Capitalism on the other hand will have it's day, on that you can be sure!
This is Iron Guard Legionnaire, however I've decided in a change of name under certain circumstances of originality.
Ooh a response, excellent! Albeit not from a member of this party or a de facto member.
My response to this just might need to be that not all Jews are those whom I'd include on my list of those to send to Madagascar at shut in ghettoes, but rather a choce few. The International Banking families, the Bolshevists, etc.
Might I add that if it was ever "screwed up" as you claim it was largely from betrayal within (Italo Balbo, the Strasser brothers), outside persecution (Antonio Primo de Rivera, Ion Mota and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu), or political obscurty (Giovanni Gentile, Ezra Pound). Hence I'd say think a bit more before you make such claims.
I thought the idea of the new forum was to ban imbecilic anti-semitic nazi trolls like "Iron Guard."
As for the original subject of the thread. I agree wholeheartedly with Crusader. But don't lose heart, the era of the 60's Hippie-Uber-Lib radicals is coming to a rapid and undignified end. When the Hitlery Clinton / Hussein Obama machine goes down in flames this November, the left wing of the Democrat Party will be torn to pieces and banished from power for another 20 years.
Hippies are as bad as Muzzies, only they stink worse.
I wonder what other countries must think of us because of Hollywood and how our media portrays our country. But what does it tell you when the surrounding countries of Iran and others are nervous that the U.S. might pull out of Iraq. It tells you that our media tells us that everyone wants us out of Iraq when it is simply not true.
Well the government of Iraq sure doesn't want us to leave and that's fact. One can't expect the left leaning liberal media to tell the truth about the war and when they do they do it very reluctantly and with prejudice. Thank God for the internet where one can search and find the truth.
Exactly. I think that there are three kinds of liberals out there. One is the liberals who just don't care about politics and are just sayning liberal ideas because they heard their friend or fellow worker say it. The second kind is one that only listens to and watches one source of media. Mostly networks such as CNN. And the third kind is the kind of liberal who was braught up liberals by their parents, and now is so stubborn that nothing will change there mind.
A person who takes truth seriously and who thinks things through, does his own homework and thinks for himself can never be a Liberal. Liberalism is based on lies. It feeds on lies and it propagates lies. The politics it produces are unserious and wasteful. The culture it produces is decadent and rotten.
If you truly listen to the discourse in America today, the voices of intolerance, the voices of bigotry, the voices of tribalism and hate, are all on the left.
Liberalism is the direct descendant of Socialism and Fascism. It is not facetious to say this, it is a fact. That hippie liberals see no Irony in the fact that they are the bearers of hate and intolerance just shows how clouded and drug-addled their thinking is.