Dear comrades, I am a Lebanese falangist and a member of the Lebanese forces party, I salute you all and I was happy to find this site and to know that such party exists in America, but I have a question that I want you to think of and to give me answers maybe we can discus it, the question is is Israel really an ally of the Christians?, me personally I dont see it , I know our biggest enemy is now the Islam and the evil empire called iran and al kaeda but are Jews really on our side ? me as Lebanese I never had help from Israel in the past they only sold us weapons and left us alone to fight our own war, and the price of their help was to expensive they wanted to control our free will, thats politically
Now in the religious side are the Jews our friends ? how can anyone that mocks our Christ be our friend ? I dont want to seem anti Jew I am not but I say we should watch our backs and be very careful when we consider Israel as our ally, in the year 2000 when Israel redrawed from Lebanon there was an army called the south Lebanese army(SLA) that was fighting on the side of Israel, when Israel left they left the SLA helpless and easy prays to be attacked by the Hezbollah goons so most of the SLA had to flee Lebanon and never to come back and many of those where Christians, so dear friends and comrades never trust but yourselves in this war never count but on yourselves no one will help the Christians except the Christians its what our great leader Bashir tough us and its what he died for , finally I have only one comment about the hall of heroes the names are all great but I say there is one important name missing the name of Pierre Jmayel the father of president bachir jmayel he is the one who created the falnagist party and spred the falangist thoughts in Lebanon he is the main reason why Lebanon is a free country and he made the Christians strong to survive in this sea of islam.
I salut you again comrades and hope ull be bigger and bigger and have more power in the US , I had tears in my eyes when I heard the national anthem of Lebanon in your web site intro,GOD BLESS YOU ALL
I think the question would be more like 'are we an ally of Israel?' It is written that the people of Israel are God's chosen people. When the time comes, only they and those gentiles who stood with God's chosen people will be saved. So, all we can do is pray to God and stand by Israel. We must spread the gospel and live our lives following the word of God. In this way, will those who are lost accept Jesus into their lives. Yes, the Jews went against Jesus Christ. They were just following the religious leadership of the time. But today, more and more Jews are accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts. This is the key. So, are we truly allies to Israel?
I always thought of the Lebanese Christians and Isreal both as allies. I would hope in the future that Isreal would have a much stronger relationship with Lebanese Christians and realize how really important they are to Israel,.. much more than being used as Contras. I support both and pray America keeps close ties to both!
-- Edited by thebes at 12:48, 2007-12-06
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16