If Patrico knew the name Falangist was tainted why didn't he pick a different one. How is this National Capitalist Party going to be different from the Christian Falangist Party.
The name falangist was picked because of the Lebanese Falangist and when it was picked in 1985 there was no internet so to speak. The Spanish Falangist continue to desecrate the falangist name by not rejecting national socialism and allowing neo-nazis to march with them. Quite a few people shunned the CFPA because of the name falangist and now there are even Moslem falangists.
How will the NCP be different from the the CFPA? It will be different in a lot of ways...first: there will be dues, second: it won't have any of the neo-fascist trappings...third: It has a legal and registered charter...fourth: it will actually be out on the streets confronting the enemies of our country at demonstrations and other events...fifth: It is a secular organization that allows non-Christians to join...sixth: I has a new philosophy combining civic nationalism with capitalism.
Yes the National Syndicalist movement is further matginalized by Neo-Nazis (whoms views perhaps represented the radical Hitlerist army of the party, they simply ignore Strasserian views and any form of Royalism).
You see Mr. Patrico I think beyond your support for Zionism and my hatred of it I think we may have quite a bit in common, I'd like to have a private conference with you if possible.
Why do you think all secular political parties are anti-Israeli?? Is the Republican party anti-Israeli. Why do you think the NCP would allow anti-Zionists to become members? Is it the support Israel banner ad on our links page that gave it away or was it " we support our sister state of Israel 100%" on our FAQ page? Did you bother reading through the website or do you just like leaving inflamatory remarks on forums? I thank you however for deciding NOT to join the NCP....that's a load off my mind!
Christian Falangism has a much longer history than any of you realize. It pre-dates the Spanish Falange, and has traditionally been militantly Christian in outlook. Not anti-Jewish or anti-muslim or anti-anything, except anti-others trampling on the rights of Christians. Not Fascist, Christian. Get it?