As anyone who is familiar with my posts knows, I have some disagreements with a few of the planks of the party platform. I would like to take this opportunity to put them out there again and suggest we open these up for debate and perhaps a vote on updates to the party platform. Here are a few of my suggestions, I will add to them as time permits:
1) (We Believe) In the total sanctity of the U.S. Constitution,Bill of Rights and the United States Flag.add: We believe that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are Divinely Inspired Documents, second in importance only to the Bible.
8) Family farms should be preserved, protected and be given special tax breaks. The passing of a federal law which would make it illegal for local governments to force farmers out of business by raising their land values and taxes. Private property rights belong to the citizen landowners of this country and not the corporate controlled politicians.
add: We support tax incentives, subsidies and economic protections for family farms. We also beleive in the right of corporate farms, as they now exist to continue increasing productivity through scientific innovation, and the functioning of free markets in Agricultural Products.
11. That what consenting adults do in private is between them and God and not the government's business no matter how filthy, perverted and disgusting it is.
Scratch: "no matter how filthy, perverted and disgusting it is." This is just inflammatory and pointless.
13. In fighting against Communism, Socialism, Radical Islam and the New World Order.
Scratch: "New World Order" and the word "Radical." add: "World Government."
The phrase "New World Order" sounds crackpot and conspiratorial and is too vague.
16. That being against something is not hate, it is free expression.
This should be re-worded as:
16. That standing against evil and immorality is not HATE, but is the free expression of the beleief of good men that we must confront and defeat evil in our time.
Scratch: 17. That the American dollar should be put back on the silver standard and an end to the Federal Reserve would be best economically for the nation.
This plank has got to go. It is anachronistic, crackpot and untenable. Any Econ 101 Student can tell you that it is a recipe for disaster. As bad as you think the Fed is, No Fed would be 100 times worse, especially for Family Farms.
18. In Social Justice, that all American citizens have a right to a decent job, decent housing, three square meals a day and affordable medical attention. A life without fear and without discrimination based on race, age, gender, nationality, political affiliation or non-violent religious beliefs. Free college scholarships to the poor who have exceptional intellectual abilities.
Scratch: "Social Justice" re-word it to say "a Just Society" The phrase "Social Justice" has been so bastardized, over-used and abused so as to render it worse than meaningless, it has become a synonym for "Socalism."
add: "Universal Military Conscription"
19. That voluntary prayer and the "Ten Commandments" be put back in our schools.
Re-word it to say: "It is our non-negotiable demandthat voluntary prayer and the "Ten Commandments" be put back in our schools."
24. That as of September 11th. 2001 these United States of America are at war with terrorists in particular but not limited to Radical Islamic Terrorists and that every effort should be made to insure the safety of our citizens both here and abroad. That the National Guard be used to patrol and protect the integrity of our borders.
Scratch : the word "Radical."
28. In using all of our resources to break us away from foreign oil dependency by tapping into our vast oil reserves in Alaska and other places. We look to the eventual replacement of fossil fuels 28. In using all of our resources to break us away from foreign oil dependency by tapping into our vast oil reserves in Alaska and other places. We look to the eventual replacement of fossil fuels with hydrogen, the most plentiful element in the universe and it is the fuel of the future. The U.S. must be self sufficient in energy.The U.S. must be self sufficient in energy.
Scratch: "with hydrogen, the most plentiful element in the universe and it is the fuel of the future."
If it's Hydrogen, it's hydrogen, if it's something else, so be it. Why go all-in for Hydrogen when it's still unproven?
30) That Islam is an inhuman evil. That the Koran is Blashemous and must be banished from the memory of Mankind in it's entirety. We pledge ourseves to never-ending war against Islam and all it's tenets until Islam is a religion practiced only in Hell.
31) (We believe) in Christian Ecumenism and in the UNITY of ALL Christians be they Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelical or other. We reject all donominationalism. Those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Messiah, Redeemer and as thier personal saviour must come together to defend the rights of the individual to the freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.
32) That our Christianity is a FIGHTING FAITH. That we have the right and the duty to vigorously defend our rights as Christians, and to defend the rights of fellow Christians around the world.
Please debate, discuss, add, subtract, get mad, scream, cry and fight. Let's open it up.
You have some very good points. Scratch: "no matter how filthy, perverted and disgusting it is." This is just inflammatory and pointless." Isn't "Islam is a religion practiced only in Hell" just as inflammatory? New World Order I agree should go. I like your 30, 31 and 32, Scratch : the word "Radical." good idea. Changes for 16 too. I'll look at the others with more research. Thank you for your ideas. BTW I put the site back up at
I like a lot of the points of the CFPA. However, this whole sanctity of the Constitution stuff is ridiculous (if not blasphemous). The US Constitution is a work of political genius, but it is not divinely inspired or holy in any way. It is the best political system currently out there. This is due mainly to its flexibility and protection of rights. We are all Christians here. The US Constitution is not second only to the Bible.
Also point #9 should be rephrased slightly. it says "& child" Maybe this should be adjusted a little a female mother and male father who have or are open to the possibility of children. Something like that. As it stands it sounds like 1 mother 1 father, 1 child. I would still consider a married man and woman a family even if they have not had or for some reason can not have children.
I think that raising the U.S. Constitution to the status of "Divinely Inspired" would be GENIUS.
Why? Because it would further blur the line between religious and political expression and give CFPA's activities "religious cover." Also it would be CLEAR DEMARCATION against the charges of Fascism that are always hurled at us anytime the world "Falange" is thrown around. It would mark a clear break with the Fascist overtones associated with Falangist movements over the years.
Furthermore, It is a RADICAL statement that would make every mainstream thinker have to squirm around. Anyone who would dare come out against such a statement could immediately be branded an "America Hater," a Communist or any other such epithet that might be useful to tar him with. It would put anyone who opposes it in the position of opposing America.
Politics is warfare by other means. This would be a hell of an "Idea-Weapon."
And just as an aside. If the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is NOT second in importance to the Bible, what book is?
The A.P. Wire says it better than I ever could. Here's a news headline:
Fed steps bring praise, new scrutiny
By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer Sat Mar 22, 10:50 PM ET
WASHINGTON - The Federal Reserve has taken its boldest action since the Great Depression, invoking rarely used powers in an effort to contain a panic threatening to undermine the economy. The central bank acted with speed the White House and Congress only could envy.
The Fed is largely free from many constraints that bog down other policymakers. Also, it is the only U.S. institution with the authority and ability to create money out of thin air.
For now, the steps orchestrated by Chairman Ben Bernanke, in the first critical test of his leadership since succeeding Alan Greenspan in early 2006, are earning praise from the Bush administration, Congress and presidential contenders Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain.
In a remarkable week, the Fed:
_engineered the fire sale of bankruptcy-headed Bear Stearns Cos. to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. with a $30 billion loan.
_offered emergency loans to other securities dealers under terms normally reserved for regulated banks.
_slashed a key short-term interest rate by three quarters of a percentage point, to 2.25 percent. The cut was sixth since September.
These steps followed moves to lend $100 billion in cash to banks and $200 billion in Treasury bonds to cash-strapped investment banks. The goal was to keep the financial system from seizing up.
"I spent 35 years on Wall Street, have been a Fed watcher for a long time and I have never seen the potential for a more severe credit crisis than this one," said David Jones, chief economist at DMJ Advisors and a former Wall Street economist. "It looks like we turned the corner precisely because of what the Fed did."
Congress created the Fed in 1913 to prevent financial panics such as runs on banks and set it up as an independent entity. Its powers grew in 1933 and 1935. Although the Fed is subject to congressional oversight, its decisions do not have to be ratified by the president or Congress. Fed officials are not paid with money appropriated by Congress.
It has a seven-member board of governors, led now by Bernanke, and headquarters in Washington. Fed members are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. There are two vacancies currently.
The system includes 12 Reserve Banks in major cities. These banks have their own boards of directors, two-thirds of whom are elected by commercial banks in the region and one-third by the Fed board in Washington.
With this combined government-financial industry heritage, the Fed serves as the nation's central bank. It manages the money supply, sets or influences certain key short-term interest rates, engages in open market buys and sales of government securities, and oversees and provides financial services to banks.
Because of the Fed's direct influence over interest rates, the money supply, and the larger economy, some have called the Fed chairman the second most powerful job in Washington after the president.
Economist Lawrence Chimerine, president of Radnor Consulting in Philadelphia, faults the Fed, particularly under Greenspan, for not paying more attention to what was happening in mortgage markets and to the rise in subprime lending. He said Bernanke's Fed complicated the situation by "raising rates too much and being too slow to start reducing them."
Still, Chimerine said, "I don't think there's any question Bernanke did the right thing" with the recent moves. "If Bear Stearns had gone bankrupt and if this credit crunch continued to spread, we would have had a real mess."
Alice Rivlin, a former Fed vice chairman, said she does not think Bernanke exceeded his authority, even though he acted under creaky legal provisions not used since the 1930s. "The Fed has been very aggressive and imaginative, and has taken very strong actions to get the credit markets functioning again," she said. "And that's good."
Anthony Ryan, assistant treasury secretary for financial markets, said the current framework for regulating financial institutions "is a reflection of literally decades of evolution. And we have a very fragmented regulatory structure."
Before addressing any changes, "we need to continue to make sure we work through the current challenges in the markets. This has to be job one," he said in an interview with C-SPAN to air Sunday. "And the actions by the Federal Reserve to help facilitate orderliness and stability is very, very important."
Ed. If we were on a "Silver Standard" or any other metallic standard, our economy would be seized-up by a liquidity shortage that would make the Great Depression seem like a day in the park. Plank 17 would be FINANCIAL SUICIDE in the interconnected global economy. Plank 17 HAS GOT TO GO. It's absolutely LUDDITE in it's conception. It's an anachronism that belongs back in the Andrew Jackson era.
Men can not raise something to be divinely inspired. It is a bit of contradiction in terms. If you all believe you have the authority to declare something divinely inspired you are impostors and blasphemers. If this is the majority opinion among you all, then I nor any other faithful Christian will want anything to do with you all.
Anonymous, you misunderstand. I didn't propose "raising the U.S. Constitution" on a par with the Bible. I propose we declare it "a divinely inspired political document." Don't be so narrow-mindedly literalist. There are plenty of divinely inspired books besides the Bible. How about the writings of Thomas Aquinas? would you say they are "divinely inspired?" How about any number of books written through the ages on theological, religious or politico-religious topics. Surely there are divinely inspired writings other than the Bible.
I didn't propose making it "sacred scripture" for cryin' sakes. I am talking about raising the status of the Constitution in the lexicon of the Falange movement.
As for me, I already consider it divinely inspired. Certainly God intended for the United States of America to be an example to the world. The Founding Fathers certainly ascribed the early success of the Constitution to Divine Providence. As do I, and as should the CFPA. Specifically and concretely, for all the reasons I mentioned.
Who declared the Bible divinely inspired? Did man write the Bible or did God write it with his own hand? And who declared you to speak for all Christians? Are you saying that God does not inspire man to write anything? What about doing anything? Can God inspire men to do certain acts? You are totally off the wall on this matter. And as far as you not joining the CFPA I don't think I'll lose any sleep over the matter nor will any other Party member. And NO I'm NOT saying the Bible isn't divinely inspired, I know it is.
New Hampshire Bill Urges Use Of Gold, Silver As Legal Tender CONCORD - Promoting the use of gold and silver by state government would trigger a flood of investment in New Hampshire, according to supporters who want a bill to proscribe their future uses. Rep. Henry McElroy, R-Nashua, donned an Uncle Sam hat at a news conference Monday to urge lawmakers keep alive his bill that would make New Hampshire the first to endorse the use of gold and silver as legal tender for state government. This is nothing new to this country, he said. Its what we were founded upon. Dr. Edwin Vieira is a constitutional lawyer from Virginia who helped McElroy, Rep. David Buhlman, R-Hudson, and others prepare the bill. Paper currency in this country has lost its purchasing power since World War II. Precious metals have retained their purchasing power. This will stimulate investment in New Hampshire if you take this important first step, Vieira said. But the House Commerce Committee found little support for the change due to the strain it would place on the state treasurers office and the private banking system, said Rep. Leo Fraser, R-Pittsfield. The committee was having trouble believing that gold, which also may be devalued as a currency, would be of any benefit, Fraser said. State Treasurer Michael Ablowich said as a courtesy he assisted lawmakers in trying to refine the bill (HB 1342), but he also saw many flaws in it. Like 90 percent of the Legislature, Im fairly skeptical about how it might work, he said. The federal government began getting off the gold standard in 1933 and in 1971 discontinued all purchase of gold or silver to back up Federal Reserve notes stored in the U.S. Mint. Rep. Dan Itse, R-Fremont, said this has led to more inflation in the economy and a devaluing of the dollar here and abroad. Even today, we have low inflation now, but the common bank savings account interest rate is lower than the inflation rate. That is the definition of an unstable economy, Itse said. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has praised the stability of the U.S. economy when gold backed its currency. Any federal conversion would require the government to purchase huge stockpiles of the precious metal, Greenspan said. If the government estimated the price of gold it was to buy as too low, Greenspan has warned taxes would have to be raised to keep government operating. Edward Lee of Merrimack, who owns his own gold and silver depository, insists state government costs under this bill to allow gold and silver as an optional choice would not be significant. To cover costs, Lee said the state could mark up the price and charge a handling fee for those who would want to be paid in gold or silver. There would be a small investment to get things going and the state could be profitable in a period of months, Lee said.
The assertion that a state money supply in this day and age could be pegged to metals is ridiculous. Read the headlines. If the Fed were unable to rapidly supply liquidity to the Banking System in the teeth of the current credit crisis, there would have been runs on the banks, TRILLIONS of dollars of losses throughout the system, wiping out the life savings of MILLIONS of american workers.
What would the central bank do in this situation to supply more silver and gold to back the dollars going into the system?
Mine $200 Billion worth of ingots overnight?
The reason for de-metallization in the first place is that the chronic liquidity squeezes that hit the United States economy in the 1870's, the 1890's and most famously in the 1930's were so destabilizing that the population demanded drastic action.
The Federal Reserve has handled the latest crisis with alacrity. They have been timely, creative and measured and have kept the system flowing. If we had a gold or a silver "peg" restricting the creation of new money, the only solution would have been a drastic "all-at-once" devaluation and which would be a grave shock to anyone engaged in international trade.
Face it, metallization is an ANACHRONISM. It CAN NOT WORK. There is not enough gold and silver in the world to make it work. Besides, it's perfectly legal to invest in gold and silver on one's own, and to contract payment for one's services in gold or silver if you are that stuck on the idea.
It is a nice idea, like a white picket fence and a pony for Christmas, but it's impractical in the extreme.
The CFPA has SO MANY solid, realistic and conservative ideas and stances. Why destroy the credibility of the party over one stupid crackpot idea like this? Who's agenda is benefited by supporting this? It's old baggage, it should be dumped.
Plank 17 is revised until further research on the subject is exhausted. If you didn't make sense it would have stayed unchanged. You are a very intelligent person and an asset to the Party. Thank you.
I appreciate the openness to new thinking and the ability to debate like adults. I was actually hoping for more discussion, but I'm glad my ideas are in tune with the leadership.