NSM spearheads a new World Union of National SocialistsThe NSM formally announced that it was reviving the World Union of National Socialists (W.U.N.S), which had been established by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, in 1962.The NSM considers Rockwell, who was assassinated in 1967, one of its inspirations.The idea behind W.U.N.S. is that member neo-Nazi groups around the world will retain their own sovereignty and national identity, while sharing the goal of "a National Socialist State within our various Homelands."In its press release, the NSM stated that it intended to bring together national socialist groups worldwide "as an International bulwark against International jewry [sic], and all other enemies of our collective Cultures."In order to spearhead this effort, the NSM is planning on hosting and building a Web site for all groups that are interested in joining W.U.N.S.This lofty goal from NSM is another sign that it sees itself as the leading neo-Nazi group in the United States, capable of uniting various factions around the world.However, the NSM's own upheavals in the short time that it experienced a spurt in growth and membership demonstrates that it will be difficult for the group to achieve its stated goal.
There is something deeply anti-social about National Socialism. What is it that draws people to racist hate-mongering?
Maybe it's an understandable reaction to the limp-wristed mainstream lib culture that constantly browbeats people about white guilt and racism, sexism, immigration, civil rights blah, blah, blah ad nauseum.
Maybe it's a natural contrarian impulse people have. They crave order and an outlet for their fears and hostility. They feel threatened by the lib-cultures extreme "tolerance" for everything intolerable.