I just finished reading "THREE CUPS OF TEA". A book about Greg Mortenson building schools for girls in Pakistan and Afganistan. It is a good read. He seems to be making a difference. I disagree with his "respect" for Islam, but like his personnell connection with individual muslums. Has any one else read this book?
I like how you put the word respect in quotation marks. Everyone affiliated with this so called "organization" seems to have a deep seeded hate for Islam and its beliefs. It happens to be just as legitimate as christianity. It makes me sick the way radical christian bible thumpers think that their religion can be the only way for salvation and how you belittle everyone else's values. You look at extremists on the news and think thats what Islam is all about, the destruction of the christian religion, but if you look back in time you would see that Christian extremists have been persecuting other religious groups for centuries. If you took a minute and examined the principles of these two religions you would see that they arent that radically different. They both preach peace and brotherhood as well as unity. Its hard to get my point across when there are too many ignorant people who are too busy wearing their religion on their shoulder and waving their little flags, but i guess thats what you get when you blindly follow.
Islam is on no way legitimate. I also like how anarchists are so incoherent about their Christophobia. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." They said that about the Communists in Spain in the 30's. How did that work out for ya?
If you think that Islam preaches "peace and brotherhood as well as unity" you need to pull your head out of your ass and educate yourself. You could start by reading the actual KORAN instead of parroting what apologist propaganda-peddlers and the pusillanimous news media say about it.
Who is the one blindly following?
It's easy and rewarding to attack Christians and Conservatives. You get to pat yourself on the back and give yourself accolades for your "courage." In fact you are the dupiest confomist dupe of all. Think for yourself.