Greetings in Christ's Name, I have been looking over the web site. I see much that I agree with. I did not see anything about who your current leadership is. Who are they? Some biographical information would be wonderful.
Thank you for your response. Doesn't seem like much is going on. I was also a little dissapointed to see the guns in the pictures. Also is this a Catholic group? What is your relationship to the group? What is the vision for it?
Were a small party so not much would be going on until more people joined up. What pictures did you see guns? If there is guns it's probably because we are very pro-second amendment. I'm still in high school so what affiliation I have is over the message board. My vision for the party is for it to replace the Republican party as the premier conservative party of America. Not a party of moderates like the Republican party of today.
Jesse, The CFPA is a diffuse organization. Suffice it to say that every man must be a leader unto himself.
We are currently in the 3rd generation of the leadership and changes have to be made.
Politically, the ideology of the Falange is well defined, organizationally it requires strengthening.
Keep the faith.
Matt, 17:20 So Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief;[a] for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
As far as I know from looking into the Falangist movement in America, the C.F.P.A. was founded by Patricio Bridges, an American of half-Cuban, half-German descent who defected to the Falangist cause from Nazism, rejecting his former views of racism. The party was founded by Patricio Bridges in Philadelphia, and besides that, I know that the C.F.P.A. has another notable member named Chris Rose who I believe is in charge of the Washington State Chapter of the Christian Falangist Party.