Howdy, kids. Your favorite Socialist agitator is back!
Anyway, I've got some questions about your beliefs...
Point 20:
20. That abortion is murder and anyone performing abortions is a murderer.
Now, I take it that your organization strongly promotes capital punishment. Correct? And I doubt that you guys wouldn't apply the death penalty for murderers. After all, that sounds a bit mushy on crime, doesn't it?
So, my question is: Who do we execute? The pregnant mothers who get abortions? The thousands of doctors who preform the opperation?
Personally, if we can find a way to kill the lawyers, I'd be happy with that...;)
Oh, man, here we go again. You douche~bags always go after this same supposed "contradiction" in the same facile, idiotic way.
Get it through your rotting skulls, there is NO MORAL EQUIVALENCE between an INNOCENT child in the womb, and a GUILTY MURDERER. The innocent human life within the womb is defenseless and is given no voice in his own fate, contrary to the INALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS guaranteed in our God-given Constitution.
The murderer on the other hand has violated the right to life of others and therefore of Society and deserves the punishment of the law conceded to the temporal powers of the law on Earth by Jesus himself. Earthly justice is therefore to be "rendered unto Caesar." If the law then prescribes death for the murderer, the traitor, the infanticidist, so be it.
As to who the penalty should be applied to? I would say that the death penalty should apply to particularly egregious cases of infanticide. Doctors who perform a "questionable" abortion should be put on a watch list and monitored. There should be an appropriate range of punishments and procedural guarantees, as with every other law.
Mothers who intentionally seek abortions should also be subject to a range of measures. There is no reason for them to be off the hook.
Smarten up.
Job, 4:18-24; 18 If He puts no trust in His servants, If He charges His angels with error, 19 How much more those who dwell in houses of clay, Whose foundation is in the dust, Who are crushed before a moth? 20 They are broken in pieces from morning till evening; They perish forever, with no one regarding. 21 Does not their own excellence go away? They die, even without wisdom.
Pelagius, you make an extremely good point. There is no moral equivalence between the innocent, unborn child to a guilty and criminalistic murderer. It has been understood for millenia that there are individuals so dangerous to society that they must be put to death. These individuals have been given a chance, and have proven to their communities that their intention is only harm to others to achieve gain for themselves, whether that gain is material or psychological.
As for abortion, that is the putting to death of an innocent and unborn child. Abortion is a selfish action committed by a woman, and/or egged on by her accompanying man, to kill a child who is to be born to her, in order to preserve her unchaste and "sexually free" lifestyle.
In this understanding, there is no similarity morally between Capital Punishment and Abortion. Capital Punishment can be justified, and is cast upon the guilty and unclean. Abortion is cast upon those not yet given a chance to prosper or speak, much less breath this Earth's air.
No one in the CFPA ever advocates killing anyone for committing or performing abortions. We should however pray for these people that the Holy Spirit will touch them and show them the horrible sin they are involved in.
NCP is correct. The CFPA is a law abiding organization, dedicated to defending the Constitution of the United States of America.
We advocate political activism and prayer. We pray that society sees the light and turns the lawful power of the State against Abortionists, infanticidists and their enablers.
We do not advocate violence by private citizens against any other person which is not in self defense.
Nor do we advocate vigilante action against abortionists.
Amen Pelagius! Of course that's not to say some party member may not spray paint our cross on the side of a building that does abortions or on buildings where Klansmen, neo-Nazis, Anarchists, Radical Moslems, etc. have their offices. We frown on those practices however. But violence is ONLY to be used in self defense.