Pat Robertson said the "hold of Islam is weakening."
"The violence and the bloodshed has turned away many against this religion of hate and the Lord said expand your outreach to Moslems. They are ready to listen".
Informed of Robertson's statements, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations said they are typical of his criticism of Islam over the years.
"Basically, what he said is almost mild in comparison," said Ibrahim Hooper. "This is a free country. People have a right to be bigots if they wish."
Hooper said it is important, however, for "others in the Christian community to repudiate this hate-filled rhetoric."
That is nothing compared to the hate-filled words one can find in the Koran or the hate-speech coming from the pulpits of the mosques throughout the world. By rightfully calling Islam a religion of hate the Moslems call that person a bigot, since 99% of Moslems are liars the bigot charge holds no truth.
The dynamic that Robertson describes does exist, and for any who are so inclined, I fully support outreach toward conversion of Muslims. After all, they are the first and foremost victims of Islam.
However, the situation is fluid and Islam has institutionalized the formation of new radicals to replace the old. The system of Madrassa schools continues to expand (even in the United States). Muslim proselytizing of criminals in our prisons is also a grave threat.
When Hooper says ". . . people have a right to be bigots if they wish." He is speaking a much more profound truth than even he is aware of.
Islam, by it's very nature teaches hatred and bigotry against all others. So when Hooper makes that comment, he knows very well that of which he speaks.
As for "repudiating the hate-filled rhetoric" I don't see offering the good news of the Gospels to benighted heathens as "hateful rhetoric," but rather for Hooper to defend the religion of Car Bombing and Baby-killing is the real hate-filled rhetoric.
Muslims lie, they obfuscate and misdirect. Muslim, thy name is treachery. If Ibrahim Hooper says that Pat Robertson is a locus of "hateful rhetoric" you can be certain that the truth is exactly the opposite.
If he wants to hear some REAL muslim-hating, he can call me directly.
Do you know of any group reaching out to muslim teenage girls and young women ? They are the ones suffering honor killings. An outreach that delivers them from the tyrrany of Islam would weaken the jihadis. Fewer women of child bearing age equals fewer radicals.
I don't know of ant outreach groups doing this. If they're aren't any there should be....get them out of Isalm before they are killed or enslaved. They have more opportunity to leave Islam in this country than anywhere else in the world.
You know, this would be a great "cause" to jump start some fund raising and P.R. efforts. If CFPA could identify itself with an effort to provide secure shelters for Islam-victims.
You know, this would be a great "cause" to jump start some fund raising and P.R. efforts. If CFPA could identify itself with an effort to provide secure shelters for Islam-victims.
I think it's a worthy cause.
I agree it is a worthy cause. With regards to fund raising, transperancy is very important. A section on the party's webpage with the party's officer's listed would help. I wiil pledge another $10.00 a month for this effort.