Never in my life could I have imagined a worse President of the United States. Not only is he showing every sign of incompetence and lack of Executive Temperament, but his Alinski-ite mendacity is surely the most cynical ever seen in any President of the United States.
We are in an "economic crisis" for which Obama himself and his cronies in Congress are mostly responsible, so how does he "take responsibility?" First he denies responsibility, . . ."We inherited this mess from the previous administration, . . " and then, he claims to want to fix it, how? by promoting "genuine stimulus" tax cuts?, suspend the capital gains tax? a payroll tax holiday? expanding free trade?, well, errrrr, no, actually.
He is cyincially using "economic crisis" as a smokescreen to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM THE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED STATES. He is enacting Socialism piece-by-piece. His program is pure economic class-warfare and redistribution of wealth. There is ZERO stimulus, or even protection for Small Business, and there is arguably an ANTI-BUSINESS BIAS to his economic agenda. He means to "tax the rich" and "spread the wealth" by punishing the very sector which CREATES AND PRODUCES WEALTH AND JOBS.
His "Foreign Policy" is even worse. His recent "Nowruz Greeting" video addressed to the Iranians was immediately met with scorn by the Mullahs, who now insist the WE meet THEIR pre-conditions before any diplomacy can occur (completely foreseeable by anyone with a 5th-Grader's knowledge of playground diplomacy), and Hitlery Clinton insists on continuing the same inane, unrealistic and counterproductive Middle East "Policy" of supporting Hamas and Fatah Terrorists in hopes that they will forget that they are first and foremost Islamic Jihadists who have a RELIGIOUS DUTY to KILL THE JEWS and turn around and play nice. You almost have to wonder if the long-term agenda behind this is not to actually UNDERMINE ISRAEL.
Homeland Security? Puh~Leez! Obama is dismantling the one great legacy of the GW Bush administration, which was the foundation of an EFFECTIVE HOMELAND SECURITY APPARATUS. He is tryng to shut down Gitmo, eliminate the monitoring of terror suspects under the Patriot Act, he supports the Courts giving "constitutional rights" to foreign unlawful combatants that should be RESERVED FOR US CITIZENS, and supports re-instituting the kind of information "firewalls" between FBI and CIA that led to the disastrous terror-attack of 9/11.
Furthermore he is attempting to further undermine gun-owners rights with his "no recycling of spent cartridges" bill and his attempt to expand the definition of "assault weapons" in order to further curtail your right to defend yourself.
He proposes a "Civilian National Security Force, as strong and well equipped as our military" at the same time as he proposes curtailing YOUR gun rights? Why?
Tell me Chairman MaObama, what color will thier shirts be? Brown? And to whom will they be pledging thier loyalty? to the U.S. Constitution? or to Chariman MaObama himself?
The writing on the wall is clear. The disaster which is the Chairman MaO-Bama administration is a slow-motion train wreck waiting to happen. There will be massive economic dislocation, massive monetary inflation/devaluation and there will be unrest.
Arm yourselves. Stock up. Buy some Gold. Be prepared to LEAD.
A person who takes truth seriously and who thinks things through, does his own homework and thinks for himself can never be a Liberal. Liberalism is based on lies. It feeds on lies and it propagates lies. The politics it produces are unserious and wasteful. The culture it produces is decadent and rotten.
If you truly listen to the discourse in America today, the voices of intolerance, the voices of bigotry, the voices of tribalism and hate, are all on the left.
Liberalism is the direct descendant of Socialism and Fascism. It is not facetious to say this, it is a fact. That hippie liberals see no Irony in the fact that they are the bearers of hate and intolerance just shows how clouded and drug-addled their thinking is.
Under the lie of "open-mindness" the Liberals turn out to be as oppressive as any Fascist. Whatever destroys the country they support and whatever supports the country they destroy.
Rodriguez Pinochet wrote:
A person who takes truth seriously and who thinks things through, does his own homework and thinks for himself can never be a Liberal. Liberalism is based on lies. It feeds on lies and it propagates lies. The politics it produces are unserious and wasteful. The culture it produces is decadent and rotten.
If you truly listen to the discourse in America today, the voices of intolerance, the voices of bigotry, the voices of tribalism and hate, are all on the left.
Liberalism is the direct descendant of Socialism and Fascism. It is not facetious to say this, it is a fact. That hippie liberals see no Irony in the fact that they are the bearers of hate and intolerance just shows how clouded and drug-addled their thinking is.
Now he want to Socialize Health Care like in Canada. The Health Care in Canada sucks, plain and simple. Canadian actually come to our country so that they can have access to health services that otherwise would that months, even years to be allowed to have.