ROMA, April 10, 2006 – One of the four topics considered by Benedict XVI and the cardinals during their day “of reflection and prayer” at the last consistory, on March 23, was Islam.
The discussion was held in private, but some of the cardinals afterward remarked that much more concern was shown than in the past over the challenge that Islam presents to Christianity and the West, and that there was general agreement with Benedict XVI’s energetic opposition to terrorism and the violation of religious liberty.
But can this more energetic approach to the question of Islam also be found in the analysis the Church makes of the phenomenon?
Here is an extract from the much more extensive essay published in the January-February 2006 issue of “Studium”:
The official position is shifting. This analysis gives a forceful and prescient warning to the Governments of the west and FINALLY acknowledges what is obvious to everyone except the lying-ass media. Islam is an existential threat and is incompatible with modernity,
This is a MUST READ item.Because of its explosive contents, it was unthinkable that the essay by Bertacchini and Vanzan would be published in a magazine strictly connected to the Holy See by statute, and representative of its official stance.
But the fact that the essay’s principal author is a Jesuit from “La Civiltà Cattolica,” and that it was published by an authoritative Catholic journal like “Studium,” are still important indications. Those who have read “La rabbia e l’orgoglio [Rage and Pride]” and other writings on Islam by Oriana Fallaci – an author of worldwide fame who has lived in New York for many years – will find many points in common with hers in the essay by Bertacchini and Vanzan.
Wake up call. Are you listening GW BUSH? Are you listening CONGRESS?