Greetings:It has been brought up in the Falconist Leadership Council that our party should merge with other like-minded parties to build a "big tent" party. Right now, were considering merging with the CFPA. However, I have a few questions and comments that I would like to have addressed.To begin with, our party totally agrees with 80% of your platform and in particular with points 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28, and 29. You also used to have a plank in your platform concerning space colonization which we think should be put back into the platform. There are a few planks in your platform that were in total or partial disagreement or unclear about.With points four and five, how much of a role would the federal government have under a Falangist administration? How would acomplishing the goal of plank eighteen without violating planks four and five?As for point twelve, we agree that illegal imigration needs to be brought to a halt. However, may we suggest that instead of putting a cap on illegal immigration, remove the quotas and limits on imigration and strictly enforce current immigration laws. We propose this for the followng reasons; First, legal immigrants take jobs most native-born Americans don't want; Second, legal immigrants repopulate and revive the inner cities, if it werent for immigration, Washington DC, with a population of 580,000 would be a depopulating city like Pittsburgh which has a population of 300,000, down from 700,000; Third, by encouraging legal immigration, the North American Christian Church, especially the Catholic Church will have the biggest oppurtunity for outreach, evangelism and revival this nation has ever scene; Finally, without immigration, America's population would stagnate and decline along with the number of workers to retirees which would further strain social security, in order to solve the social security problem, we must increase the number of workers to retirees back to the 150:1 ratio when social security was first implemented.As for point seventeen, may we suggest that we replace the semi-private Federal Reserve with a government owned and operated Bank of the United States whose Chairman would be appointed by, serve at the pleasure at, and be subject to termination by the POTUS with the consent of Congress. We also would like to suggest a plank concerning tax reform. Right now, the Falconist Party is currently in favor of a progressive consumption tax. We are also analyzing the "FairTax" proposal which replaces the income, payroll, corporate, estate and gift taxes with a 30% sales tax with all Americans recieving monthly prebates of $200 per month. We also would like to suggest a plank that would call for a national rebuilding program. Right now, the American Society of Civil Engineers gave America a D+ on its infrastructure report card and we need to spend at least $1 trillion to upgrade it to a C. How about a rebuilding program that would upgrade it to a A+ that would make the American economy more productive as well as put millions of unemployed Americans to work at living wages and take Americans off America's unemployment and welfare rolls?We also would suggest a plank that calls for a universal health insurance program. Either that each state implements its own universal health insurance program or implemting a national program modeled on the programs currently being implemented in Switzerland, Massachusetts and California where everyone is required to purchase health insurance. We would also suggest adopting the "Stanford Plan" where the government issued vouchers to purchase health insurance. A National Health Board would also be created to monitor and control health care costs.We also had a question about how the CFPA felt about expanding America's borders. Would the CFPA consider admitting Canada into the union as 13 new US States? What nations, if any, would the CFPA consider for admission into the union as US States and Territories? What about US Statehood for current US Posessions? There are other planks in our platform. However, you can check them out at the Falconist Party website. Our ideas may clash in some areas. However, we believe we can set aside some ideas in both parties, maybe compromise on some ideas, to come up with a unifed platform and a stronger political party to challenge the GOP, Democratic, Libertarian, Green and Constitution Parties. The National Syndicalist Party, the CFPA, the Falconist Party, and other like-minded parties would do well to merge into a political party. The Constitutionalists are moving in the wrong direction by splintering within the Constitution Party as well as clashes between the APP, American First Party, American Independent Party, the American Party, the Independent American Party, and the Constitution Action Party.BTW, we also like your logo. Which leads us to one more suggestion. The media will automatically make the connection of Falangism to Fascism. The movie "Pan's Labryinth" is already painting Falangism in a bad light. May we suggest keeping your logos and symbols, and renaming your party the Falconist Party or adopting a new name alltogether. Also, in merging with your organization, we do not request seats on your party's leadership council (if you have one). We would just establish units of your party in our respective states and our party's members that you approve of will become members of your party.Anyway, please consider our idea for merging our organization with yours. Feel free to ask questions and comment about our political party and its ideas. I myself will be happy to answer them.
Just a few thoughts about this topic. Some items in the Falconist platform if all added together would require both massive spending/tax increases and would likely result in huge labor shortages. Also, the emphasis on a present day 'manifest destiny' in foreign lands seems excessive and near imperialistic without just cause AND national security/interest.
to supplement my remarks: military action abroad should follow the Powell Doctrine(whatever else one may think of him, he got that right) in particular the parts about national interest and security. We can't and shouldn't take on all the tyrants of the world militarily, yet other means are also available(economic, diplomatic, covert and clandestine actions)
First of all, I admit that the falconist site is very impressive in its use of flash media. However, beyond that, too much of it seems somewhat imperialistic. I really am not into the idea of a "United States Earth" or any such concept. I am in favor of helping other countries establish repubican type governments with elected leaders and helping to rebuild and refine their industrial infrastructure. Of course, I also strongly feel that is part of the job of a missionary. So, insofar as a merger of the CFPA and falconist parties is concerned, not very likely. I would sooner expect to see members of the falconist party joining the CFPA.
Just a few thoughts about this topic. Some items in the Falconist platform if all added together would require both massive spending/tax increases and would likely result in huge labor shortages. Also, the emphasis on a present day 'manifest destiny' in foreign lands seems excessive and near imperialistic without just cause AND national security/interest.
First of all, we wouldn't implement all our programs at the same time. We would build a larger economy before we implement universal health insurance, or increase education spending, or fund military expansion or space colonization. Our program to rebuild the infrastructure will create 20,000 jobs for every billion spent and add $3 to the GDP for every $1 spent. Therefore, if we spend $500 billion a year rebuilding America, we would create ten million new jobs and add $1.5 trillion to the GDP every year.
Second of all, we can finance our programs if we adopt a new tax code that taxes the overall size of the economy; that would save $500 billion a year in complaince costs; that would promote savings and investment; that would tax the offshore and underground economy; and that would encourage businesses to relocate and open shop in the USA. That new tax code would be the FairTax plan.
As for labor shortages, first of all, if we replaced welfare with workfare, we would have more people to do the work. Second of all, I rather have a labor shortage than mass unemployment any day of the week. Third, if we can't find the workers here at home, we will just have to import them. I disagree with halting all immigration. We need to imprison illegal aliens-yes! However, we should encourage legal immigration and assimilation. Immigration is necessary to keep the population of the USA growing at a healthy rate; to fill jobs native born Americans shun; to keep our population from graying; to keep our country dynamic; to pay into our social security system; and to revive our small towns as well as our urban communities. The bible says a large and growing population is a King's glory while a small and declining population is a King's demise.
I'd like to know what book, chapter and verse that is in. As a seminary student, I would be interested in knowing this. However, as I have said before, I don't think a merger of the two parties is anywhere on the horizon.