I write simply to inform. I have been recently informed of a very real possibility that I may need to move to Alaska because of the nature of my job. Such being the case, I may need to shutdown the CFPA-WA as I have been unable to get membership going such that somebody else can take over here. It saddens me that this is the case. Please advise.
If I ultimately find that I must move up there, it would then become the CFPA-AK. Right now it seems I am the only present member of the Washington chapter. It is discouraging at times.
It's hard for me to believe there are not more members. This is a totally sane American ( you too Canada!) middle of the road site! There should be a Christian Falangist running for Congress somewhere!
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16
Sorry to hear about your dilemma Tofferer. But it brings up a subject that I brought up many moons ago on the old board. I'm unconvinced that a "political party" is the proper organizational model. I think that there are merits to either: a) a "religious" organization, taking advantage of the favorable tax treatment and the deference given to "clergy," b) an underground "cell" organization, with a formalized communications structure and cadre trained in leadership and organization.
I don't believe that America is ready for a truly right-wing "Political Party" in the conventional sense. I think that as a "party" we will always be marginalized.
I believe that the other models offer attractions to the kind of people we want and need, and can organize around principles other than abstract "politics" upon which there will never be agreement.