I can answer this without even being a member of the party, and in fact, being something of a critic considering I oppose Zionism
Frankly the Federal Reserve has nothing Federal about it... its privately owned! It has no reserves whatsoever, considering it prints money with interest that lacks backing and thusly serves as pure injustice and to some degree (whatever varying degree) fraud. Jacob Rothschild II actually said at one point in regards to the bank The few who understand the system will either be so interested from its profits or so dependant on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class. The other class will simply have no comprehension or concern about American monetary policy".
And who was this Rothschild? Why he is a member of a family that owns 57% of the Federal Reserve. The owners go as follows
1) Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; 2) Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; 3) Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy; 4) Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; 5) Lehman Brothers of New York; 6) Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York (Now Shearson American Express);7) Goldman, Sachs of New York.
Returning to the Gold Standard wont work... who do you think owns most of the worlds gold? There also isnt enough to work for our system, a Double-Standard could workm but your safest bet is Silver.
I rest my case, as an avowed opponent of Zionism (And dont call me a racist for that, I merely have a dislike of Zionists and the Jews that engineered and propogated Marxism) I will eagerly await anyone willing to challenge these statements.
Of course I doubt my views will ever be addressed considering how utterly inactive this group is.