guys i find it strange that the leader of the lebanese-forces and one of your heros in the hall of heros is touring in the USA to seek the US aid and support for lebanon against the axis of evel iran and syria and hizballah, and no on on ur site or forum is covering it, no one is even intrested ?
and this link is the official site of the lebanese forces yet it's mostly in arabic so i think most of you wont understand what's writen
Ok Patrick. Thanks for the links. When I went to the LF website yesterday I didn't see any mention of his visit in the English section of the site. Maybe in the future when you know of such an event you could send us an e-mail and give us a heads up it would be very much appreciated. Shokran. Chris
you are right Xhammer the english section has no article about it ,maybe because the tour is almost over and the site is a daily news site, anyway everytime there's an important event i'll be more than happy to post it here, god bless you
OK, shokran Patrick. There needs to be more working together between the CFPA and the LF, we are both fighting the same enemies and both of our organizations love Bashir, that in itself gives us common cause. God bless you and all of the Christians in the Middle East.