The Tennessean / March 26, 2008 "Eric Ian Baker, Michael Corey Golden and Jonathan Edward Stone, who claim to be members of the white supremacist group Aryan Alliance, were indicted on federal civil rights charges for allegedly burning down a mosque last month."
This is the first I've heard of this. I thought neo-nazis and muslims were supposed to be friends.
Hopefully, their shared interest in Jew-Killing is not enough to keep them in bed together for long. After all Muzzies are also semites (mostly) and just as foreign and anti-white racists as the Neo-Nazis are white racists. (Does that make sense?)
I condemn their horrid ignorant racism, and law-breaking, but I admire their initiative.
If only there were a lawful way to burn mosques. Hmmmmm.
There is a good, solid way to counter the spurious "racism" charge that multi-cultis throw out at anyone who disagrees with them. A) Islam is a RELIGION and a CULTURAL-IMPERIALIST one, and that you defend WESTERN CULTURE, you are a CULTURIST, not a "Racist."
b) Some have found that simply acceding the point has such a shocking effect that the PeeCee Multi-Cultis get the "vapors" "OhmyGod, OhmyGod, OhmyGod, he's a RACIST!" Then they might shut the hell up long enough for you to make a point.