Seattle 12-22-2007 "Luis Vazauez, 20, was charged with third- degree assault and one count of malicious harassment after he allegedly yelled racial slurs and attacked a Sikh cab drive, calling him a terrorist."
This is the kind of blind hatred that really sticks in my crawl. "Well er he sorta looked like a muslim so I decided to attack him". Guys like this deserve to have their asses kicked. If I was there I would have helped the Sikh cab driver.
Look, I find hostility to Muslims to be a natural reaction to their odious arrogance and backwardness. I don't blame anyone for reacting to a legitimate provocation. This guy is just an idiot.
The key is, when confronting the Islamic Menace, to do it "legitimately" in a way that does not discredit or dishonor yourself. Some excellent examples are Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an ex-muslim who takes a stand against Islamic mysogyny and spousal abuse; Then there's Bridgitte Gabriel, who was raised under a black cloud of Islamic Terrorism and is a strong voice for resistance and freedom. Anti-Cair and Michael Savage who have inflicted harsh blows on the Islamo-fascists in the courts, and of course, the Great Robert Spencer and Hugh Fitzgerald of Jihad Watch, Pat Condell of Britain, Geert Wilders of the Netherlands.
Don't be afraid to speak up, assert your rights and call the heathen infidel on his B;S; wherever you find it.