I propose that the goal of the CFPA this year 2008 at be these. Institue a yearly dues system something from 20 to 35 dollars a year. More contact between members and director. Revamping of the website. The goal of every member is to recruit or try to recruit at least one other member. The goal for the year should be 50 new members. I know that seems like a lot, but you have to shoot for the moon. I will post more later on activist tips. There should be a Forum titleted Activism.
The first of September, I will print some fliers and cards.I will distribute these daily. Going to work, shopping, buying gas, going to church, etc..The directer can expect a few membership applications.
you can go to the party symbols and graphics section of the website and print off some of those posters. You will have to fix the website on them though. But great idea I will post some hints on how to be active.