Finally the Israeis are doing what sorely needs to be done in Gaza, pounding the crap out of the death-worshipping, baby-killing, church-burning, dirt-kissing, genocidal, jew-hating scum called Hamas.
Also, finally, the Israelis are bypassing the fellow-traveling, jew-hating, mainstream media propaganda machine and getting thier story out on YouTube and on the web.
Hamas, can no longer evade responsibility for indiscriminately targeting civilians with thier wildly inaccurate rockets and hiding themselves in kindergardens and behind the skirts of thier women. Israel is in the right and it is now widely recognized that the old, cynical, murderous propaganda game of the Islamic Fascist terror-scum no longer plays with world opinion.
Even the pusillanimous, cowardly Euros have to acknowledge the new reality.
Hamas has changed the rules of the game. It is no longer considered illegitimate to target the rocket-bombers in thier lairs, regardless of how many of thier women and bastards are crushed in the rubble.
Israel must not stop until every one of the Islamic baby-killers is dead, they must root out the Hamas and Islamic Jihad by the roots.
Amen. The Liberal Media doesn't know that Islam hates the Jews. It is stated in their Hadith.
Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from Unbelief), their past would be forgiven them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them). And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do" (Qur'an 8:38,39)
The Liberal Media thinks and wroships the "fact" that Islam is a "religion of Peace". Islam means literally "to submit".
Hamas was basically asking for it when they keep on bombing Israeli towns and cities. The Christians that live in Gaza should know that Hamas is like Iran, hating Everybody except fellow Muslims (but that is streching it).
You are right on target. The Moslems have the attidude that "how dare these Jews move back into their homeland don't they know this is a Moslem neighborhood?"
With the Jews declaring their ancient homeland "free and back in business" it is a setback for the Moslems who claim that once they take land from non-Moslems it is theirs forever even if they lose that land later on. How can they conquer the world if they lose once conquered land?
To the them Israel is a spearhead in the "body Moslem" ....may that spearhead remain until Islam dies.
Meanwhile here is something we haven't seen in the mainstream media. (click the link below)
The Bible itself states that Islam and Judaism will always be at odds, as well as Islam and Christianity. This is stated in the Holy Bible, when an angel visits Ishmael's mother, Hagar, and states to her that "Ishmael will be a wild donkey of a man, and would be in a constant struggle with others". Ishmael is where Muslims trace their lineage back to, as Jews trace back to Isaac, the legitimate son of Abraham and Ishmael's younger half-brother (Ishmael is a bastard son of Abraham and his servant Hagar). As you stated, as well, the Quran itself states opposition to Judaism and Christianity, although Muhammad took many of his religious ideas for Islam from these religions.