One hero of free speech discusses another's case. "Holland's national suicide note," by Ezra Levant, January 21 (thanks to Defend Geert Wilders):
The Dutch court of appeal has ruled that Geert Wilders, the Member of Parliament and anti-terrorism activist, must stand trial for hate speech.
You can read the English page of the court's website announcing the decision here.
It is a national suicide note, a white flag of surrender flown by a once-great empire in the face of illiberal fascists and hoodlums. It is a homicide note, too -- announcing the murder of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. And it is a warning note to other Western democracies. The warning is this: liberal democracy, multiculturalism and immigration -- pick any two.
Holland has picked multiculturalism and immigration, and has heaved liberal democracy overboard.
The announcement is so eye-scratchingly stupid, it really must be read line for line. Here goes. (The spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors are from the court's own English translation):
Amsterdam, 21 january 2009 - On 21 January 2009 the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam ordered the criminal prosecution of the member of parliament Geert Wilders for the incitement to hatred and discrimination based on his statements in various media about moslems and their belief.
Did you catch that? It's just like the execrable section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Incitement to... what? Violence? Murder? Riot? No. Incitement to hatred.
Hatred is an emotion. And apparently in Holland, "making" someone feel that emotion is a crime. And inciting "discrimination" is, too. Not just discrimination itself, mind you. But inciting someone to discriminate. The Dutch court has not announced the prosecution of anyone who Wilders has "incited" to discriminate against someone else. But they're still charging Wilders with discrimination, once removed -- even if that discrimination hasn't happened, and isn't logically tied to his political criticisms of Islamic fascism. (Question: don't we all have a duty to incite each other to discriminate against -- or at least hate -- fascists who would destroy our liberal way of life?)
In addition, the Court of Appeal considers criminal prosecution obvious for the insult of Islamic worshippers because of the comparisons made by Wilders of the islam with the nazism.
I appreciate the honesty. This is the criminalization of "insults".
Of course, the comparison of radical Islam and Naziism can be found in their fascist, anti-democratic and illiberal streaks. And -- something the Dutch should know -- anti-Semitism. But, more practically, if comparing people to Nazis is now a crime, how about the countless comparisons of Jews to Nazis -- comparisons ubiquitous at the United Nations conference in Durban, just to pick one big example?
The Court of Appeal rendered judgment as a consequence of a number of complaints about the non-prosecution of Wilders for his statements in various media about moslims and their belief. The complainants did not agree with the decision of the public prosecution which decided not to give effect to their report against Wilders.
So the prosecutors -- whose job it is, as in Canada, to determine which prosecutions have merit and which don't -- were overruled by the court... because there were "a number of complaints". Is that all it took? Bitch enough and you can coax the cowardly Dutch courts to prosecute a political enemy? ---------------------------------------------------------------- It's OK for Moslems to preach hate in their mosques but if a non-Moslem points it out then he is prosecuted. I've watched "Fitna" several times and downloaded it to my computer, there is nothing that I can see in the movie that is false. So Geert is actually being taken to court for shining light on the truth. If Holland becomes an Islamic country then the politicians who allowed it to happen should be taken out and hanged for treason.
For outspoken bravery in service to the truth, for standing up to the Islamic Jihad against his Nation and his Race, and for producing Outstanding Documentary of the Year, "Fitna,"
By the power vested in me, I hereby award to the Right Honorable Geert Wilders, the Order of the Cloven Hoof, First Class, with Bacon Bit Clusters.
Geert Wilders, the CFPA Salutes You.
Hail Geert Wilders, God Bless and Keep You.
Let us know where we can contribute to your legal defense fund.