So far, it has only affected the Algerian branch of al-Qaeda -- the one that, after killing innocents via suicide attacks, proclaimed "glad tidings." (So much for the notion that Allah is on "their side.") Considering how "cosmopolitan" al-Qaeda terrorists are, regularly infiltrating non-Moslem nations, mixing in with the "crowd," this may prove to be -- directly or indirectly -- just one more way for jihadists to kill non-Moslems: instead of committing suicide to kill infidels, "martyrdom-seekers" can now just try to contaminate the former with their Black Death.
"40 Al-Qaeda Terrorists Killed"
40 - Moslem members of AQLIM (al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb), the largest Al-Qaeda group outside the Middle East have died by the Black Death.
The plague, responsible for the deaths of an estimated 75 million people world wide during the 14th century, swept through the AQLIM training at a forest camp in Algeria, North Africa, and was only discovered when security forces found a body by a roadside.
According to The Sun, Al-Qaeda chiefs fear the plague may have been passed to other terror cells, and even Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. One security source quoted by the paper said This is the deadliest weapon yet in the war against terror. Most of the terrorists do not have the basic medical supplies needed to treat the disease. It spreads quickly and kills within hours. This will be really worrying al-Qaeda.
There is believed to be 1,000 terrorists attached to the camp where the outbreak took place, with many reported fleeing to other camps, potentially spreading the disease.
This can be related to a couple of different phenomenon related to Al Qaeda and related groups.
a) They kill any westerner or NGO who comes in trying to spread vaccinations against Polio (and anything else probably)
b) They are no doubt experimenting with terrifyingly deadly biological agents, and doing so in primitive conditions with a minimum of safety precautions and in areas where there is a complete lack of industrial infrastructure necessary for the safe production of any kind of advanced technology. This may be the result of an experiment gone horribly wrong.