How come when thousands of secular Turks protested in the streets of Turkey against the Islamification of their country by religious Moslems who want Sharia the press thought it was OK but when secular Europeans do it in Europe they're called Islamophobes, haters, intolerant, etc.??
You have to understand who the press are, and what their agendas are. They are most definitely NOT the agenda of protecting America and Western Values. The press sees the world through it's mushy-pinko leftist, multi-culti lens in which ONLY the West is to blame for everything, that EVERYTHING that the foul, terror-loving islamo-fascists do is OK, because it is a reaction to our "Colonialism."
The people who run the news media and opinion pages in this country are the enemy. They aid and abet the enemy.
The corollary of this is a Political Establishment that is stuck on the baseless fantasy-world thinking that "It's only a tiny minority of extremists" and that "if we only address thier grievances, then they'll go away," and of course, "If Israel will just make more concessions, the Palestinians will be happy and make peace."
We have seen over the last 50 years how much these views correlate with the historical truth, and we continue to suffer the same results time after time after time.
Are we insane? well, you would have to conclude that the answer is "yes."
I of course knew that and I posted my rhetorical question to see what kind of response I would get. As usual you gave a very eloquent and satisfying answer. You are a great asset to the CFPA, thank you for being a member.