I just watched a public TV special called "Ribbon of Sand" about the outer banks of North Carolina and they said something in that show which kind of puzzled me.
"Colombus wouldn't have found the outer banks of NC, they were under water because of the rapid rise in sea levels"
Rapid rise in sea levels? Global warming? 1492? Dang, I didn't know they had SUVs back then! Or maybe it was all of the factories burning coal in the 1400s that caused it. They should have lived greener lives 500 years ago and not left those carbon footprints. One has to wonder, what caused the rapid rise in sea levels back then?
The world constantly cycles through periods of warming and cooling. "Mini Ice Ages" have occurred throughout recorded history. The workings of nature are far beyond the scope of mankind's activities. Man's ability to significantly affect weather patterns is NIL. It is ZERO, it is NON-EXISTENT.
Certainly there is pollution of the air, water and soil, and regardless of what the Green/Red/Commie/Socialist left would have the public believe, there is NOBODY who is as committed to the environment as Conservatives.
The Green/Red agenda is really nothing but another Marxist smokescreen to get us to unilaterally weaken ourselves economically by adopting their untenable, unsustainably radical "Environmentalis Agenda." Crap like the Kyoto Treaty, which would tax the living hell out of Americans in order to benefit the Indians, Russians and and Chi-Coms who would keep right on polluting more than ever. It is a lie.
The Chairman MaO-Bama administration is now pitching this "Cap and Trade" baloney whcih is just more of the same. He also re-imposed the Nancy Pelosi ban on Offshore Oil Drilling. Both of these supposedly "environmental" programs are HARM AMERICAN ECONOMIC SECURITY, imposing huge and unsustainable costs on YOU and ME, all for the sake of SOCIALISM in AMERICA.
Be Active, write to Congress tell them to stop the madness. Tell them that "Global Climate Change" is a fraud and a fantasy and not to be SUCH a DUPE!
I never believed that "Global warming" or "Climate change" or whatever they choose to call it was the result of Industrial pollutants or too many North Americans driving around in gas guzzling Ford's and Chryslers. I do,however, believe that northern iceflows are breaking up,melting and driving up sea levels for whatever reason,natural cycles etc. In other words I do see some indicators and events that show something is going on weather and climate wise whatever that may be. I do see more and more extreme and intense weather coming our way in the near future whether in the form of earthquakes or heatwaves,hurricanes etc. Could it not be possible that,if this is occuring,it is because God has turned his face away from us (We all know the many reasons why)and now terrible events are starting to come upon us as we've seen during the last decade. I do fully agree that the Green/Marxists are grabbing onto this like it's a new religion or something and anyone who questions that climate change is 100% bonafide and absolute AND the fault of man is ridiculed and marginalized.