I don't know what the Vatican may think of the CFPA, but I know that the LCMC isn't opposed to us. I won't say they are supportive, but they understand our philosophy and are not opposed to it.
One of these characters on this site, who detests LeFebrists (a group of "Traditionalist" Catholics with ties to the European Black Nobillity) used to acuse me of being one.
The term is Lefebvrist, but this character, probably the "party's" top leader, was a semenary student. So his spelling must be right.
I'm quite sure that any local parish or diocese will give lip service to your face, then actively discourage anyone from joining or supporting the Falange. The vast majority of clerics in the US are very lefty-liberal in outlook and pusillanimous in the extreme.
Officially, the Catholic Church (if they ever got around to it) would probably do likewise, as it is in thier interest to keep parishioners (and donations) safely ensconced within the fold so as to prevent any of thier disposable income from going astray.
If (and when) the Sh*t ever really hits the fan and the Falange becomes a force in society, Im almost positive that the Church will publicly disavow any connection with the Falange and condemn us as "fascists" or some other such insult, while secretly cheering us on.
We must take the vow of a soldier and keep the Falange and the Militia and the USA in our hearts and soldier on despite thier official opprobrium and despite the opposition and insults of society in general.
Don't count on support from the Churches. Expect to be rejected.
any Roman Catholic is free to participate in any political organization as long as that organization is grounded within Christian morality. check out the Catechism of the catholic church here
for more details. also there is the compendium of the catholic church which gives more details. but in brief. communism is condemned and no catholic can belong or work with any communist organization period. if one does then they are excommunicated. socialism is condemned. nazism is condemned indeed communism and nazism both heinous monsters contrary to the will and love of god are probably the most condemned form of governemnt. rightly so i might add. fascism is not condemned if any were wondering but there is allot of buts. im sure the vatican and the holy Father would appreciate any organizsation opposed to the culture of death now drowning the world. of course they would be prudent and cautious. liberal bishops by the way i would include in the culture of death considering modernism is condemned as the synthesis of all heresies thus making any liberal an heretic. hope this helps.
if the Spanish civil war is any indication i doubt the Roman Catholic Church would sit by and watch Christians get butchered by you name it. when the shit hits they most likely would help..... militarily and financial and socially. the CFPA is not anti-Catholic i hope? so far the web page has been a breath of fresh air. just asking no offence intended.
The CFPA is most definitely NOT anti-Catholic. The CFPA in it's founding principles is dedicated to a radical form of ECUMENISM, wherein all denominations, all sectarianism within the church is washed away. In the CFPA we are ALL brothers in Christ, dedicated to an unbreakable, unshakeable unity in the face of the enemy.
You are most welcome. I can say that there are Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Baptists and Mormons in the CFPA. If there are any others, please make yourself known.
In the CFPA, we respect differences, but insist on UNITY above all else.