Here's atypical, disgusting example of what's in store for us as our government cravenly continues down the path of mindless "multiculturalism," forcing us to swallow the poison of muslim immigration.
I was amazed to see that Muslim students are demonstrating on our US college campuses. After seeing the Muslim demonstration signs in Europe online; I knew it was time for me to wake up and find out what was going on. Well I have; Jihad is upon us. I think most American families come home from work and school, eat and watch sitcoms. They are unaware of the true issues afecting Western civilization pertaining to Islam. 9/11 was simply not enough shock to Americans to educate themselves as to the Jihadist warriors who come for us. I have and study everyday to learn more. Sadly, it may take a dirty nuke going off in one or several of our major cities to get the general American public attention. If we respond and nuke every Islamic city on the planet, there will still be alot of mopping up to do. I see Islam religion as devil worship and Mohammed as his messenger. All Muslims are liars and should never be trusted. They have named the ways they are going to destroy we infidels. We infidels are killed everyday all across the planet. I wonder when we will wake up and take our war on Jihad to them with personal vengence. In my research of these devil worshippers I have basically one question to ask. Are we prepared to comitt Genocide on the Islamic races? Answer this question. If your answer is no, then you haven't done your homework on this evil empire.
There is a war being conducted but it is not the Muslims who we should be fighting.It is ourselves.This country was based on religious freedom with the word of God on everybody's lips.Look at us now.The civil liberties union is fighting and winning to erase the word of God from all public places.What are the American 'Christians' doing about it?Nothing.We are allowing evil to take over this country, weakening us as a Christian nation and the Muslims are just using the opportunity to do what they are commanded to do.We are commanded to go out and spread the gospel.Are we doing that?No.We are busy worshipping the almighty buck.Man has devalued Christianity and turned it into hypocrisy.I do not call myself a Christian.I call myself a follower of Jesus.I put no faith in religion for man has done horrendous things in the name of religion.I have seen 'men of God' perform acts that go against the teachings of Jesus and the word of God.Am I to put myself in the same group as these men?I think not.Before we go and fight against the Muslims, we first have to cleanse our house of all the evil that exists.We need to become united in faith.Only then can we overcome attacks from heathenous groups.
I do call myself a Christian. My church does spread the Gospel. You must remember the U.S. has millions of non-Christians and millions of God haters in it. But evil will never be gone until the return of our Lord, peroid. So in the meantime we just wait around and let the Mohammedans take over and slaughter us? No, this is worse than the old Soviet threat.
-- Edited by thebes at 13:52, 2007-12-07
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16