Last April, according to the New York Post, Gotham’s top jails chaplain, Imam Umar Abdul Jalil, told a Muslim student conference in Tucson that Muslims were undergoing torture in a New York City correctional facility, that the world’s “biggest terrorists” occupied the White House, that Muslims cannot allow “the Zionists of the media to dictate what Islam is to us,” and that the Koran commands Muslims to be compassionate with one another but “hard against the kufr [unbeliever].” After briefly suspending Jalil—with pay—Mayor Michael Bloomberg reinstated him, saying, “As Americans we should never pander to xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, or convention. We must never be afraid of free speech or multiculturalism—the genesis of America’s founding. And we must never use the war on terror, or political correctness, as the pretext for stifling political speech.”
The mayor of New York is obviously not thinking clearly. I don't suppose he realizes that he is one of the "unbelievers" that Islam is not supposed to tolerate. I am certain that if he were to ever realize this, then he'd have to double check the claims of the koran against the declarations of the US Constitution and then realize that Islam is in diametric opposition to the US Constitution to the point that its adherents could be considered guilty of treason. Unfortunately, it is painfully obvious that that the mayor of New York won't ever realize this.
the Christian West got serious about fighting Islam. To begin with, we MUST stop the flow of Islamic immigrants into the West. It makes no sense to fight Islam in the Middle East militarily, while inviting Moslems in huge numbers to live amongst us at home. That's an insane policy and practice.
mohamadism should be outlawed in all prisons. it should not be allowed to infiltrate the minds of already weak and immoral people. Christ is the only way to save those imprisoned. also if the troubles in northern Ireland are any measure then the republican strategy of "taking the prisons to win the street" should be headed. prisons in northern Ireland became republican universities. this it seems is the mohamedan strategy in the us. it must be stopped. we need more priest and devout catholics to work with prisoners. once many prisoners find and ask Christ for forgiveness and dedicate themselves for Christ and Christianity as atonement for there sins the Quicker the mohameden threat will subside. Christian Falangism the scurge of islam!
"when a Holy Book like the Qur'an advocates Holy War, when the very sayings and deeds of their beloved Prophet Muhammad advocate Jihad, and when we see some Islamic nations killing non Muslims -- because they are not Muslims, how can we not be worried about what they would do if they had control of the is their goal. Here in the States, Muslims enjoy freedom of religion and expression. Such freedoms for Christians are basically non existent in many Islamic nations. Is that right?"
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16
You've got that one absolutely right. Islam plays a game of double standards in which they demand equality for themselves and yet deny it to others. Evil only begets evil. Islam is evil.